
Age : 23
Country : Hungary
Ethnicity : Caucasian
Height : 1.76 m. (5.77 ft.)
Measurements : 86B / 60 / 90 (33B / 23 / 35 ins.)
Hair color : Brown
Eye colour : Chestnuts

Dorka, the natural joy

Hungary is a great country, there lives only women of dazzling beauty. Dorka is Hungarian, Dorka is beautiful. You only have to see his face illuminated by his broad smile.

With Dorka, work sessions are always lit up with a lots of good laughs transforming them into little moments of happiness. She likes to pose in all styles and the more you propose an original scenario, the more she is delighted and enthusiastic.

For lucky French Kiss Erotica members, in the Sexy + menu, you can discover Dorka in a film shot without my knowledge by a photographer friend, during one of our shootings.

She posed for Vogue magazine and the automaker Mercedes chose her for her worldwide film advertisement.
This does not prevent him from remaining humble.
Today, she devotes herself to painting and one can discover her remarkable paintings in many exhibitions. Maybe you even noticed it in a TV interview devoted to his art.

I have the chance to see Dorka regularly and I know how to make him happy, by offering him pastries ... or by inviting him for a shoot ... in Guadeloupe.
Because Dorka loves the sun and the sea ...

French Kiss Erotica Girl Dorka

AKA : Corail, Dorka, Dorothy, Françoise, Mia, Nala, Perla

1 Film